Cremation Process
At Shannon Crematorium we are very proud of our facilities and the high standards of care that we provide for the bereaved. On the day of a funeral or when visiting a loved one’s resting place, families and visitors will only ever see our grounds and gardens, or the chapel or cemetery. This dedication to providing the highest standards of care is further demonstrated behind the scenes at the crematorium. These are the areas that are not normally accessed by the general public.
Once the curtains close and everyone leaves the chapel the coffin is carefully transferred to the crematory where the name plate is checked again. The deceased details are provided on a name card and this card will follow the deceased throughout the entire process. Shannon Crematorium also uses heat resistant numbered stones that remain with the coffin through the whole process, so that the number on the stone that enters the cremator will be in the ashes at the end of the process. Once all checks are recorded the coffin is charged into the cremator and the cremation process commences.

At Shannon Crematorium we have the most modern computer controlled cremator unit available today. The cremator is connected to a sophisticated filtration system which uses activated Carbon filters to remove any toxins harmful to the environment together with any waste combustion gasses. This will ensure mourners and visitors will never see any smoke released into the atmosphere.
At the end of the cremation process the remains are collected and cooled. The final stage is the reduction of the remains to a fine ash that is suitable for scattering. The ashes are placed into an urn or casket where the name card will be attached for identification. Shannon Crematorium has an open door policy whereby members of the public may by appointment view the facilities behind the scenes during an operating day. This policy will help dispel any myths and answer any questions. On seeing the cremation process the viewer can be reassured that all cremations take place individually, coffins are cremated with the deceased and that identity is maintained throughout the process so that a family can be sure that they receive the correct remains. We also accommodate whereby the charging of the coffin into the cremator may be witnessed. This is important during Hindu and Sikh funeral rites
Shannon Crematorium has a policy to make the cremated ashes available to the next of kin as soon as possible. This means that the cremated remains (ashes) will usually be available in three to five working days.

When the cremations forms are completed with your Funeral Director, you will be asked if you have made a decision on the disposal of the cremated remains.
At this point it is important to remember that there is no rush to make a decision. It is always best to wait if you are not absolutely sure as once the ashes have been scattered or interred that decision cannot be reversed.
Your choices for the ashes are usually as follows:
- Remove from the crematorium by the Funeral Director or the applicant for cremation (the person who completed and signed the cremations forms) for disposal elsewhere.
- Scatter at a place of your choosing. One of our members of staff will be happy to talk with you about the many options available for scattering of ashes.
- Inter at a memorial at the crematorium (see separate section on memorial choices)
The choice of the final resting place for a loved-ones remains can be very worrying and confusing. We would like to reassure you that there is no rush to make a decision and we are always here to help wherever we can.
Remember we offer a beautiful range of unique jewellery – just a spoonful of the ashes is needed to create a piece of jewellery or a crystal keepsake – and the rest of the ashes can be buried or scattered elsewhere.Metal Recycling
Following a cremation, a variable amount of metals will be retrieved from the cremator. This is usually metal left from the manufacture of the coffin – nails, screws and staples etc. – but may also contain metal used in orthopaedic implants such as hip and knee replacements.
Shannon Crematorium has engaged Orthometals, a Dutch non-profit recycling company who process all the recycled metals and returns the funds to be donated locally to charity. Shannon Crematorium has chosen Truck Run for Katie as our chosen charity, which provides support for the Cystic Fibrosis unit in Limerick University Hospital. Precious metal such as gold and silver jewellery that has been left on the deceased will melt and disperse during the cremation process. We would strongly advise that jewellery is not left on the deceased but is retained by the relatives.
Our ‘Application for Cremation’ form will advise families that we will be recycling the metal retrieved following their loved ones cremation and they have the option to opt-out of the scheme if they wish. They will be responsible for collecting the metals from the crematorium. However, the vast majority of families choose to join this worthwhile and beneficial scheme.
We donate this money once a year and we put details of the recipients on our website and the local press will usually publish the story to enable families to learn about the good causes that have benefitted from the recycling scheme.